The Tree of Life, Kalaloch Beach + Ruby Beach

One of the must-see items on my list when visiting Washington was the tree of life and the sea stacks. They did not disappoint!

Tree of Life aka The Root Cave

There are a few different ways to get to the tree of life. You can park at the Kalaloch Campground and walk down the beach until you run into it. It’s really not a far walk and there are lots of sand dollars and shells to be found on the way. Or, you can drive down a little bit and there’s is a parking lot with an access point that pops out right near the tree.

Ruby Beach is another beautiful beach - full of sea stacks and is only about 5 miles up the road (or 8 min drive) from Kalaloch. We chose these two places to have some of our wedding photos taken. We noticed Ruby Beach is definitely a go-to spot for photographers. The best part is that Ruby Beach and Kalaloch beach are so close to each other, it’s worth the quick drive to check them both out. Make sure to check when low tide is to get the most out of your visit.

Sunrise at Ruby beach was a perfect start to our wedding day, the tide was low and the glow of the sun radiated off the mist.

When we went to get some shots at the tree of life, there was actually a couple there setting up to get married! Luckily, they were kind enough to let us take some photos quick before they started their ceremony.

Our visit was near the end of August, so the weather was a little chilly but we escaped the rain the entire time! Pants, sweatshirts, or an oversized shacket are recommended. And waterproof shoes, definitely waterproof shoes.

Waterproof shoes, definitely

Have you visited the Washington coast? What have been your favorite things to see?

About the author

Hey, y’all my name is Kassandra and I’m a mama to 4, road-trip/hiking obsessed, herbal medicine enthusiast who specializes in nothing (well, I am a hairstylist so I do specialize in hair lol) but is interested in everything.

Most of all, planning, taking and sharing travel/road trip ideas. Encouraging folks to do the “I wish I could do that” thing. One of my favorite messages to get is “I saw your post and tried it”.

So I keep sharing. When I’m not traveling, I sate my wanderlust by cooking, planning more trips, working on my Airbnb, converting a bus to an RV, designing products (multi-passionate entrepreneur here), and regaling past adventures to share with y’all!

Travertine Hot Springs - Bridgeport, California


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